seo services - MLIKATY

seo services

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 We provide you with effective SEO services for your website

We create value for your business and a distinctive brand for your website so that all your pages appear at the top of search results

Request an SEO report on your site's performance now. FREE!

Leading brands that consider us a successful Saudi SEO agency:

Whatever your business type or goals, we can achieve them together!

Whatever your business activity, SaaS, B2B, start-ups, small companies, medium-sized companies, online stores, all these companies, and businesses suffer from different problems and challenges at the level of their websites and need professional marketing and technical solutions at different levels of their website pages, internally and externally.

Therefore, getting the support and assistance of an SEO company to establish and implement an SEO strategy and plan is crucial to being in the big box and competing for the top spot, or staying on the sidelines until you are out of the competition.

The results of SEO services are not achieved by chance!

This starts from analyzing data, passing through specific visions and goals, and then defining strategies and action plans, all the way to the implementation, follow-up and evaluation stage.

We create the success that suits you and achieve the results you are looking forward to..and more.


Here's a quick look at the results of one of our clients' real-life success stories.

Where we doubled the rate of visits and access to the site to more than 54,000 visitors per month in just 4 months:

We are committed to providing you with real and excellent marketing results tailored to your unique business needs and requirements.

Lead your site away from the noise of competitors, and create a distinctive brand through

SEO Services Who We Write For You

Our philosophy in an agency we write to you is to create different ideas, to achieve great successes,

Therefore, you will find that we are the only SEO companies that rely on our content strategy for SEO with a unique style and working mechanism that we designed ourselves.

Top search results worthy of you!

Make it now

What does the “We Write for You” SEO strategy include:

Content Marketing Techniques, Strategies, and SEO Standards Today are more complex and challenging than they used to be!

It is no longer just a matter of launching a website, writing blogs and articles, and expecting to reach the audience and lead the search results with ease.

Attempts to share site links and articles on social media and publish them or send them to your network to support you are no longer working.

Rather, it has become dangerous today to try to copy and imitate competitors in order to reach the same results that they have reached.

Let's talk more practical.

Today you need real and thoughtful systematic implementation strategies and plans!

You need specialized experts in the field of digital marketing to provide you with a detailed map of the market, audience and competitors, through information and numbers for all levels, and analysis and proposals suitable for each level and goal.

You need a SEO specialist, who is skilled in seeing and accessing results, by configuring your website internally, improving and developing it technically and technically, all the way to developing it externally by building a network of strong external links.

It needs creators in the field of content industry, its advanced methods and modern trends that are in harmony with the language and mentality of the audience. SEO-friendly content to reach – not just your audience, but your potential customers!

You need sales funnel industry professionals who are able to create sales, increase demand for your services and products that are built with the personality of your real customers, and accompany them along their buying journey.

You need SEO service from a specialized search engine marketing agency

Connect with us

The service consists of the following stages:

1- Planning

performance review:

Your data tells a story we need to understand. For a complete story and a true picture about your business performance, we have dedicated our own report form in an agency we write for you, this report relies on technical tools such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Ahrefs and SEMRush, all in order to access all the data related to the SEO performance review. and keywords for your site, and working on formulating an initial vision for what it should be of development and improvement plans.

Competitor Analysis:

The SEO expert on our team takes an in-depth look at your top competitor websites, and records hundreds of data points about their strategy, strengths and weaknesses, and more.

We use this data to reverse engineer what they do, specifically search keywords, and reverse it into our work.

Comprehensive evaluation:

We use tools like Ahrefs and Buzzsumo to monitor all websites that are active in the same area of ​​your business, in order to comprehensively assess what has and what has not worked in their practices.

Which is important for us in order to provide a comprehensive SEO service for all SEO channels.


With the statements you will provide, and the questions you will answer, we will give you an overview of all that we can offer.

And because we are a professional SEO agency, we know what we do, we are happy to tell you that we do it all in the first week of business.

2- Optimization

Technical and technical analysis:

Google seeks to determine the foundations and criteria for ranking and ranking sites through many technical and technical determinants of the site, which is what it wants to make clear to site managers.

Therefore, our team monitors and conducts a comprehensive audit to find any technical or technical problems or gaps, and then we work to present them to you through an easy and clear report, with suggestions and recommendations to solve and fix those problems.

Website quality audit:

Google puts together a list that it calls: "Site Quality Score", through which it determines the ranking and ranking of each site.

In turn, we've created a special audit that assesses the quality of each page on your website and suggests specific action to be taken to improve it, according to Google's Quality Score list.

Define keywords:

Keywords are the main axis and the cornerstone As part of your SEO strategy, it forms the link between your products and services and your potential customers.

Therefore, we provide you with a detailed report on keywords, secondary keywords, and related keywords for each page or topic on your site, so that we can achieve the best results in order to reach the top of the search results and outperform the competitors.

Configure the site internally:

After the search for keywords is completed, we develop all the elements and information of the site’s pages and the content they provide according to the main and secondary search words and related topics, all through a full report on the actions and improvements that will take place on those pages.

In agreement with you, our team of SEO experts and professional content writers will do SEO and improve your content.

3- Content Industry

Content Creation

the appropriate:

And as a culmination of all previous processes, we direct the content makers of Niktob Agency to write content that takes into account the presentation of topics related to these non-existent search words in order to arouse the interest of the audience towards us, and work to support the SEO plan.


Missing search words:

And because we are a search engine optimization company, we will provide you with the best, and we will make sure to provide you with a comparison report between the performance of the search words on your site and the competing and active sites in the same field. For the audience.

Technical and technical development and control:

Unlike other agencies, not only do we perform audits and assess the technical and technical aspects of your site and then provide you with a list of items and actions that need to be fixed, we have the capabilities to carry out all the necessary actions to develop your site as it needs and requires.

We are responsible for providing a 100% complete and accurate website.


4- Promotion

It is the stage of building external links, and this stage includes four basic steps, namely:

Monitor potential sites to receive your external links:

By analyzing the most prominent competitors and all those working in the same field, we monitor and analyze the sites that received outbound links from your competitors, which is likely to be one of your goals to spread external links through them.

By building a huge list of potential sites, we work on communicating and coordinating with them in order to build external links between us.

Public relations campaigns to publish external links:

It is one of the tactics that we use in an agency that writes for you for the success of your external links campaign.

Where we build relationships and communication with a group of sites related to or in the same field of your business, and a common audience, through an email campaign in order to post an external link back to your site.

Email campaigns are a distinctive skill of our team at We Write for You!

Marketing External Links Personally:

It is part of our external link marketing and promotion tactics that we master at an agency we write for you.

It relies on high traffic and interest sites, such as Quora and Reddit, and through the content of these sites that is based on providing ideas, services, answers, and comments, we will publish your external links to your site in comments related to your site and services.


Influencer campaigns:


Influencers are an important promotional technique for almost any business. Our team finds influencers related to your services, discusses and negotiates with them to promote your site, publish your backlinks on their pages or invite the audience to come to them.

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